Smoothed age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupin...
Smoothed age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) for 2005-07; ie births to mothers aged x per resident population of women aged x, where x ranges from age 15 to 49. The raw... -
West of Scotland Days of Airfrost measured from 1961 - 2013
Airfrost days measured in the West of Scotland from 1961 - 2013. -
Local Units by Broad Industry Group, Borough
Data shows the number of businesses (local units such as a factory or a shop) by Broad Industry Groups. Analyses are provided for VAT and/or PAYE based enterprises and local... -
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD): Health Domain 2004-2012, Gla...
The 694 data zones in Glasgow ranked in 2012, 2009, 2006 and 2004 for the SIMD health domain. Each data zone also has a local ranking i.e. within Glasgow to ease comparison for... -
Monthly Mix-Adjusted Average House Prices, London
Mix-adjusted house prices, by new/pre-owned dwellings, type of buyer (first time buyer) and region, from February 2002 for London and UK, and average mix-adjusted prices by UK... -
GLA ethnic group projections 2012 round, Trend-based - interim
Interim borough-level population projections by ethnic group and five-year age band. These projections are consistent with the GLA's 2012 round Trend-based borough population... -
Net Additional Dwellings, Borough
This table shows the total number of net additional dwellings from all sources, which includes conversions, change of use, and other reasons, minus demolitions and all dwellings... -
2011 Census First Release Data
This package comprises the first release of 2011 Census data. The data includes a population estimate for males and females by 5-year age bands for each local authority in... -
Deaths and Mortality Ratios, Borough
Deaths by local authority of usual residence, numbers and standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) by sex. SMR measures whether the population of an area has a higher or lower... -
Number of Bicycle Hires
Total number of hires of the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme, by day, month and year. Data for each day since the launch on 30 July 2010. -
Country of Birth by Age of Arrival in the UK
Data shows country of birth by age of arrival in the UK for each of the 21 multi-member wards within Glasgow based on the 2011 Census outcomes. -
Length of the Road Network, Borough and Region
Road lengths in miles, by road class for each local authority and region of Great Britain since 2005. Includes, Motorways, Trunk roads, Principal roads, and Minor roads - both... -
HBAI - Poverty in London 2010/11
Key findings The number of Londoners living in poverty has seen little change. Children, particularly those in workless households, remain the group most likely to live in low... -
Workplace Employment by Sex and Status, Borough
Numbers of people who work in an area by gender, and whether an employee or self-employed. This data shows the number of jobs, not the number of people. People with more than... -
A-Level Results by Gender and Place of Residence, Borough
GCE/VCE/Applied A/AS and Equivalent Examination Results (Level 3) for Young People by Gender in England (Referenced by Location of Student Residence). The figures presented... -
Hospital & Minor Injuries Units with geocoding
Hospitals and Minor Injuries Units addresses including post code along with OSGR Easting, OSGR Northing, WGS84 Latitude, WGS84 Longitude and a resolvable URI for the post code... -
Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics
Link to SNS Data Download page -
Income Support Allowance (IS)
CSV file with the number of Income Support claimants by area for the last eight quarters. -
Railway Upgrades
List of rail stations that received upgrades before the Commonwealth Games. -
Northern Ireland Census - Detailed Characteristics Tables(Administrative Geog...
Northern Ireland Census - Detailed Characteristics Tables(Administrative Geographies) - DC TABLE